01 agosto 2024

Ready to fight

 I can feel it in my heart

It's like a whisper, subtle

Almost imperceptible

But it's there like a faint light

In the deep darkness

I'm facing you, my villain

The evil ghost that haunts my mind

The darkness that devours my soul

Haunting my spirit

But I can feel it in my heart

I have the will, the strength

To look you in the eyes

And stand firm

And I won't lie

I'm scared to death

I feel chills running down my spine

I want to run away... far, far away

But I can feel it in my heart

With every beat, it feels stronger

I'm in the dark but my light won't die

I can fight, I can win this time

And I'll fight you, I'll fight myself

I'll defeat me, to win my right

I'll fight to the very end

I'll face my darkness

I'll bring fire, and light, and I'll win

I'll burn every piece of me

When everything's been destroyed

I'll pick up my ashes and With them

I will build a new me, a gentle Beast

with power and without fear

With a smile and a purpose.

With claws and fangs ready to

take the world by storm

And ready to die as many times as necessary

To permanently defeat me!

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